Monday, December 13, 2010

Spaghetti In A Steamer

to Nagoya and Cancun - culture, art and nature for the new people time

review: Christian Schwägerl.? human time make or destroy crucial era of our planet . 320 S., Riemann 2010th € 19.95

by Reinhold Leinfelder

The actual output of the climate negotiations in Cancun and the biodiversity negotiations in Nagoya shows more clear that the global community, at best, a framework for sustainable can pretend to development can be accelerated, the actual transformation of society towards a sustainable society, but only by itself. Here, mitigation and adaptation must be scientific knowledge and enjoyment of life, life and responsibility, regional and global links, and treated together. One of the best ideas this gives the oaBuch Christian Schwägerl. A brief review of this book by the reviewer that came out in Tagesspiegel and in the Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten . are submitted for further opinion an extended version of the current one, personal Suggestion for further discussion of the visualization, design and testing of human time is added.

high time that a book has been written about the era of man? Or sacrifice but time to waste, with the reading part of his personal time people? The ecological zeitgeist meets the book "people time" by Christian Schwägerl at least not as it is a waste of time than for those who have already formed an opinion completely seated ideas about how we can continue in the future of our planet.

The direction, it seems, are Schwägerl same with the sub-steps: make
destroying it? This is of course the one rhetorical, for of course runs like a thread through the book that we just can not destroy without sawing off the branch on which we sit. But make as an alternative? That sounds like the often demonized "adaptation", ie the adaptation to the always unstoppable destruction of the environment by technical means. Gooders love instead the "mitigation" or avoidance of environmental risks. Schwägerl wrote a primer for technophile megalomania, for those who think the earth is sufficiently understood, so that they can now completely control engineering terms? Agro-genetic engineering, geo-engineering and optimization of molecular biology people are saving the world yet?

only cursory leafing through the book Who could possibly win this impression. The very first chapter is called "artificial earth." In genetic engineering Schwägerl actually see a significant opportunity to feed 9 billion people in the future. Even "smart gas" in the pumping atmosphere, can in principle imagine Schwägerl and yes, he even thinks that it would become the standard to shut down genes in human, or to throw. And in the end he even sketched a new man, who, whenever, follow the Homo sapiens could.

If you want to put the whole book in a science-fiction-corner, has studied the art is not detailed enough. There will in fact a drawing by the French artist Jean de Gourmot from 1575 in which the ruler of the world is portrayed as a fool man. And indeed, the book is also full of the need to avoid strategies, moving away from fossil fuels, increased efficiency and life style changes. Above all, away from the meat. Meat consumption as an exception, as hard, maybe even with secular rituals: I probably lived ceremonies before slaughtering and eating animals, who knew the consumer personally.

Schwägerl connects and interweaves the opposite poles of restraint and faith in technology not to a uniform gray, but a multicolored patchwork, which is fascinating in its diversity and language. The book notes to what the author means when he says that man as such does not exist, but that soon billions seven individuals of this species with their brains, a variety of thoughts, dreams, knowledge and generate ideas that can take it with the diversity of the rainforest means. And here we are at the basic tenor of the book. It is, despite relentless stock of the destructive power of man through and through optimistic book. The author sees science as the essential culture of the people, he finds them back in the beginnings of human culture. Even the aborigines, who selected the best seeds for trial and error, was an experimenting scientist. Today, it is Craig Venter, which he expects much, but he also indirectly criticized because it can be sponsored by the petroleum industry.

science to save the world, but it is reflected involved, the day's events, participatory and differentiated into all possible areas. Schwägerl is steeped in Humboldt's idea of unity of science and culture, body and spirit. The diversity of life he sees important for the perception, satisfaction and creativity of the people. Humboldt put it this way: "The insight into the world body produces mental pleasure and inner freedom." Remarkable how Schwägerl therefore the duality of churches, whether the nature and personal hostility castigates, but also in the materialistic monism finds no favor.
No, Schwägerl is holistic, he sees an obstacle to a knowing understanding of the opposites of body and soul, on both beyond, nature and culture, or creator and creation, and argues for their content. He is far from being able to do away with religions. He holds religions actually ideal for short-term thinking to, because they stabilize life goals and values for decades even centuries. But material, molecular and animal evaluated as morally wrong to see the world only as a vestibule, delusion or distraction, does not contribute to assume responsibility for the "world body". Religions could contribute even more to the prayer but was passed in needs, the financial system a modern indulgences and apocalyptic Ideas as well as Calvinist short life as counterproductive. He wants a green pope, who prefer not popemobile across the country, the best moves around the world and with people talking about it, what does it mean that we have now made the earth subservient .

But despite all Wissenschaftspositivismus' aims Schwägerl with his criticism of modern science. A breakdown in natural and social sciences is too convenient. And even to pretend to understand the nature of science can only help, not even: nature is not a machine, the neurobiology today is too materialistic Here was a blending appropriate.. Just also holistic. And a holistic approach might even "Neurobiology of closeness to nature" will be generated - the human being as part of nature, yes, but also gardeners of nature, but just Humboldtian are sustainable prosperity is mainly from the Into Thinking in nature, taking out alone can not work.

Here the author is the one, he calls Biofuturismus. It begins with a look into the past. The author raises new issues in the discussion of ecological footprints to a sense of community, justice, which are unexpected. Baron d'Holbach said already in 1770, that the rights of man over his fellow creatures only to the can create happiness, which he granted the case itself. From this deeply anti-materialistic attitude Schwägerl still leads from a free market economy. Nothing is further from him than any sort of "eco-dictatorship." Free market economy, yes, but only if all the causes and costs are fed there. The point is to live and to price products so that man not only leaves no traces of destruction, but rather that the money is used to technology to grow with the ecosystems of nature instead of against them. Of course, this must values continue to change. Freedom can be understood only by positive waiver, a new Individualism Schwägerl trust too much here.

would perhaps be able to stop the book here. But Schwägerl is now completely, and very positively to the Futurists. It outlines a new science building on Art Nouveau. He raves about waste-free, meet as needed new composable organic products, sustainability of a new technology, new art from a sense in which science and culture. Science has to use the technology and the world supply data, but in the worst case, the emergency supply. That is why he is in favor of geoengineering also, in particular the blowing dirt particles in the atmosphere to the temperature reduction should be explored. For all the money it needs. For the first time in such a future book I read this, new about the old man. Science has discovered that the brain can remain into old age plastic and dynamic. Society needs this age of wisdom, but no Altersegoisten, resting on its prosperity.
Who, if not the old, so he believes could, for taking responsibility for the young generation to give back some of the material wealth that also through, though often unconscious, exploitation of nature has been reached.

What could make a society that is trained on the long term and its resources in the service of a careful use of the earth Notes Schwägerl describes in images that seem strange today: China is forcing Europe with sharp limits specified in a competition on environmental technologies, greening cities produce their own food and generate high biodiversity. The Islamic world has on its scientific prowess back calmly and design a "bionic caliphate." Clothing consists of liquefiable biotechnical materials, as a further evolution of special economic areas are areas identified. Genes in databases are publicly available, the use shall be governed by democratic decision-making. iBusse and iTrain, green True Counter Markets, reconstruction markets, where real prices paid will flourish. Cars and major appliances will only be hired if required, the circular economy is a big hit. Instead of Red Lists of threatened species, there are lists of the green return, aquaculture float with wind power across the seas, the green helmets of the United Nations regulate any emergencies, the global population is on a path of decline. Employment, offices and honorary positions are mixed for a lifetime, the golden age of science began. Of course Schwägerl also knows that he here with visions, maybe even dreaming is reached, according to he described one of the subchapter as a flower dreams.

If that's all too much but now was, it might give up the last chapter. Here is the visionary and Biofuturist is now but a little to the utopians. He outlined, could live as appropriate, a new human species after the last individual of Homo sapiens and act. These are of course speculation, but at issue is not really Schwägerl. It will only sketch that the end must be no apocalypse - was too much so far prevented the summoning of apocalypses. He calls the final section accordingly not "world" but "world-emergence." Whether everyone likes to follow him here, if we, after reading the book really is our long-term thinking have practiced for so that we can imagine a person 2.0 times with a different demographic from every reader must find out for yourself.

put In conclusion, I realize that the book is a sensation. Scientifically researched and meticulously equipped with appropriate literature citations, the book is a positive, differentiated work, which not many other laments and calls only. It can, I think, but make you feel like one of us, all designed to transform the future, on a human time in which the principle was admitted responsibility for the future of the constitution and is universally accepted as self-evident. Be emphasized in particular the Schwägerl'sche Wholeness, not only in scientific approach, in contrast to similar future books, not just the climate issue, but also biodiversity, agriculture is increasing with their sights, but just wants to merge natural and cultural sciences to effective transformational science. Perhaps the reader will not follow in all areas or can, but the book is a treasure trove for new ideas and approaches in terms of transformation to a sustainable society. It is also stylistically excellent written and prepares full reading experience. Above all, it is a subtle, reflective Mutmacherbuch, and can now truly urgent social and political For use.

And finally a personal vision: Should you not have the time new people better illustrated than is possible in a book? How about a museum saved cross-science based, and perhaps even participatory indoor and outdoor exhibition, perhaps under the slogan: " The Anthropocene - culture, art and nature for the new people time" on here could, perhaps? the former airport Tempelhof and the involvement and appropriate design of an international building exhibition and an international garden and agriculture exhibition visions of the future for new, sustainable and resource-efficient lifestyles and culture techniques are shown to be both visionary and Berlin discussed as a potential engine and a potential example of an appropriate development

Prof. Dr. Reinhold Leinfelder is Director General of the Museum of Natural History and member of the Scientific Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)

more information about the book and the human time :

Monday, November 29, 2010

How To Downlod Amtrak Micrsoft

end of October I found at a flea market this beautiful basket that I had to buy me the same and for the FR. 3rd -!!!! Now I've
it stuck made an Advent, which now brings every evening, beautiful atmosphere in our living room ...

After Christmas Tv Price Drop

birthday and wedding anniversary card

celebrated in October, a couple from my neighborhood's 50th Wedding anniversary and the husband simultaneously celebrated his 80th Birthday!
The two have some of the neighborhood to a fine dinner invited. With the request, so bring any gifts, you could have it all! Of course there were all of us a gift and the card to make I could!

For this card I have used hours! Nothing has pleased me! No brilliant idea for decoration! I'm almost desperate ...
It made me very happy then, that the couple and the guests were enthusiastic and well-received the card!

The card idea is from here

Biffyclyro Midi Files

I'm not missing!

Umruch? - Departure? - Anything new?
Yes looks like my life from the moment!
In recent months, much changed in my life!
dawn of a new life, that is: Reorienting, many rules and above all for a job! and and and ...
... on so many things again ...
... because you might just come any more, it needs very much strength and energy ...
but it goes from day to day up!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why Does My Cat Pee On My Luggage

The Anthropocene at the Museum of Natural History

by Reinhold Leinfelder

The book "people time. destroy it? The crucial period of our planet "was introduced in late September 2010 at the Museum of Natural History for the first time. The Name of the book is based on the proposal of a group of scientists to Nobel Laureate Paul Crutzen to chemicals, to describe the human character through certain age of the earth as a geological time of the Anthropocene.

Science writer Christian Schwägerl wrote a book that can be viewed not only as a very special contribution to the relationship between biological and cultural evolution, but which, after the surprise of many success for the UN Summit on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan as a visionary book can serve the future "handling" of our planet to the book reviews are in today's article " people - time. Humboldt . Reloaded "of the Diversity blog of the Leibniz Association presented, here are my greeting and a movie review for the book launch at the Museum of Natural History

After reading the visionary book and the idea in our home, I immediately had his own vision: a trans-disciplinary exhibition Anthropocene - nature and culture in the new people time "work closely together to the museums of Natural History, technology, art and cultural history with other institutions, but also with academia, the media and society to make visions viewable and tangible . A bit of human life up to a realization, however, will still have to pass. At UN Earth Summit in Rio in 2012 or the start of a Humboldt-Forum, in the collections and the scientific community would find, that would be a particularly suitable form: Humboldt reloaded.

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Address by Reinhold Leinfelder the book launch on 09.27.2010 at the Museum of Natural History (slightly abridged)

as the General Manager of the Museum of Natural History, but also me personally I am very pleased that so many have come to today's book launch and would like to do this very much welcome in our dinosaur hall.

I am extremely, almost all important for the topic social groups are represented high-profile, including:
  • The UN, represented by the UNEP Executive Secretary Achim Steiner, yes even as the protagonist tonight occurs
  • representatives from embassies, ministries , parliaments, political parties,
  • representatives from environmental and conservation organizations and foundations,
  • colleagues from the WBGU, one of the advisory bodies of the Federal Government
  • particularly important for the topic is, however, that some representatives of science and scientific organizations howsoever caused. And
  • as multipliers for the science we have dieVertreter the text, picture and television media and publishing particularly dear. .....
Links: Christian Schwägerl right Achim Steiner
includes, in particular our author, Mr Christian Schwägerl who will, of course, a renowned and dedicated science journalist well known. He is so modest that he saw no lights his past and current activities at the most. A little bit, so incomplete, it must be though: He started at the local newspaper, was rapidly Winner of a history competition of the President could do with this grant, a research trip to New Zealand, went to the German School of Journalism in Munich, then was freelance for GEO and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, parallel yet studied in Berlin and England and completed a Masters degree Biodiversity . In the FAZ, he was then responsible, in particular for the focus on science, bio-politics and policy research, since 2008, now at the mirror for the themes of science, environment and energy. Various prizes, including a very early stage, the Herbert Weichmann Medal for journalistic talent or the Georg Holtzbrinck Prize for Science Journalism continue to draw him out.

But I probably should not answer a question. Because it fits to conduct a book presentation at a future topic here at the Museum of Natural History?
  • are the dinosaurs of long ago as not a bad fit?
  • Or they are not just a warning, so we do not become extinct as well?
No, bold and populist, we do not see the connections. More important to us were the following (without prejudice to the book launch very want to):
  • The book of Christian Schwägerl treatment time, time dimensions, acceleration, deceleration, right and wrong Time points. This dovetails nicely with us. For timings and their dynamics feel especially museums as we charge:

  • We our collections see with their more than 30 million items as part of the memory of the life and earth, without a memory can not be thought, not think ahead, also comes out clearly in the book.

  • But memory is not enough, you also need a brain. And the brain of our planet, the processes of the earth, and of course of life. And how does this brain as the neurons and synapses are networked to respond to new training and work, which also explore precisely how such houses ours, and even that is a very important theme in the book.

  • And perhaps the most important creed of Christian Schwägerl. His aversion to dualism in the classical sense also made me think that he favors but not Monism a la Haeckel, but a Humboldt holism, form in which the worlds of culture and nature, between mind and body merge with each other a whole. And of course, is again the order of houses like ours to generate natural sciences, not just to implement highlight connections to touch on ways to connect with society. The fact that we are currently a research field Knowledge transfer and communication to build more professional and it probably also masterminds like Christian Schwägerl blame.

precisely because of our dialogue with society and politics is so important, I am very that Achim Steiner, now the second time this year with us at the Museum of Natural History. First, in January at the opening of the UN Year of biological diversity with the Chancellor, and now just now at the presentation of "people time".

Achim Steiner, of course, does not really presented, so only very briefly a few flash lights:
  • born and raised in Brazil
  • study philosophy, politics, economics and regional planning in Oxford and London
  • activities in cities including Berlin soe at the German Institute for Development Policy at the Harvard Business School
  • then worked among others for the world's largest conservation organization, IUCN in Washington DC and Asia,
  • 1998 General the World Commission on Dams, then from 2001, Director General of IUCN.
  • Since 2006, the Executive Director of UNEP, to replace Klaus Toepfer. Especially chosen for the second time by the UN General Assembly.

Christian Schwägerl way it has also been characterized, such as in an article at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen. He called there the "Sisyphus from Nairobi." That might sound like small small, to futile, where we work but all the more to the great visions and their direct reactions (- but I was there Schwägerl incidentally caught when he saw me once in an article called " Humboldt Ambulance " described, ie one that is also probably only exists to repair the worst incrementally -). But it says
Schwägerl different. It is in fact the only way - vision and hard daily work must come together in this vision to its implementation.

today certainly will be an evening of visions, but it is also a night when Christian Schwägerl also not at all it is above the question of how we can implement these visions.

I wish us all an exciting evening.

from left to right: Tissy Bruns, Christian Schwägerl,
Achim Steiner, Reinhold Leinfelder
Additional Program:
  • Laudation by Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Secretary
  • aspects of the book by the author Christian Schwägerl
  • joint panel discussion: Christian Schwägerl, Achim Steiner, Reinhold Leinfelder, Director Tissy Bruns, Daily Mirror
  • tour of the collection of alcohol as part of the "memory of life" in the rebuilt east wing.

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film documentary of the book launch at the Museum of Natural History

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Christian Schwägerl: human time. Create or destroy? The crucial period of our planet. Riemann, Munich 2010th 320 pages, 19,95 €.

notes in the museum context:
  • The Museum of Natural History in the book is also available. The author sees it as one of the last bastions of the science of taxonomy. According to EO Wilson, there are about 6,000 taxonomists in the world, would be 60,000 or even 600,000 according Schwägerl necessary. He criticized the "Manager of Taxonomy" still too little contradicted noticeable.

  • Schwägerl is quite a fan of the reconstruction of the Berlin City Palace, but not as a museum but as a trans-disciplinary research institute Anthropocene. That would be something!

  • Schwägerl has completed his book by another essay, which he provides on its website. It is called the Orient. On 22/04/2025 to present top officials from Saudi Arabia in the Berlin Museum of Natural History, a master plan for the new, sustainable human time "" Our civilization is no longer on earth resources but easy to be like this spring. We give you and our families to begin the first bionic caliphate. "

> to the article acres

> to the book reviews, including from RL, gathered on the Diversity blog

> to the "people time" - Website of the Christian Schwägerl

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Ardipithecus and study it - the terror of the chimpanzee researcher

In the last edition of the Sunday newspaper on 31.10.2010 by a more readable report by Ulf von Rauchhaupt to "Ardipithecus" explorer Tim White.

following is an excerpt:

"However, there is the rashness of this and other colleagues, White now very convenient to emphasize in lectures the most important result of the analysis of Ardis skeleton. That this creature had precisely no resemblance to a chimpanzee

stands Ardipithecus us time less close than the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees, who have lived for six or seven million years has nevertheless had Ardi, unlike chimpanzees and other great apes, straight legs -. just the big toes opposable . The lady was therefore probably a good but slow climber, their feet in the trees do not like to Schimpansenart could use another pair of hands. But they had a pool that enabled them to long distances on two legs to walk. Also, the bit has to do with the chimpanzees of nothing. Especially by the small canine teeth - even with Ardipithecus-men, of which teeth were also found - it looks like much more like the later hominids our lineage than that of today's great apes. "We had always imagined to be, the further we go back in time, the chimpanzee-like our ancestors have been"

says White. "It gave us Darwin already warned against this fallacy." In fact, it turns out now, what would be expected to Darwin: Today's chimps have six million years of evolution, independently developed by us and it all made other adjustments. Your finger bones, their front teeth, her short back, her feet, all that was the nature of which descended the man to do nothing, "White says. There are adaptations to specific habitats of chimpanzees in tropical forests. But if this is so, says White, then there is no reason to believe the behavior of chimpanzees, their social structure or their mating behavior different from those adjustments are. Accordingly have little to do all that with our evolutionary ancestors, let alone one might add, with us humans.
"The chimpanzee researchers were upset about this pretty," says White. "You just have to believe with the chimpanzees a model for early hominids." But according to White, they are neither in its ecology still in their diet, nor in their mode of transport, yet anatomically. Why should it then be in the behavior?

It is this hope, however, many researchers seem to have had. "A very famous primatologist, has strongly attacked me shortly after our publication in Science at a meeting of the Royal Society," recalls White. "And in the coffee break he then told me I had to research on chimpanzees by 30 Years thrown back. "White still struggles with the text." Yes, what I would do because to do? Ardis fossils bury again? Do not dig the first place? Or maybe to put a couple of chimpanzees teeth? "
his view, something went wrong after it had been found by the molecular genetics that the chimps are our closest relatives. With a genetic match of 98 percent did this relationship even quantified." But no one knows what these numbers mean biologically what actually is, "White says, pointing out that around the foot of a gorilla is similar to that of humans than that of a chimpanzee, further genetic relationship or not. "Nevertheless Schimpansologen came and told the agencies distribute the research funds, we must explore chimpanzee to learn about the evolutionary origin of man. And if we cut off the chimpanzees, we would get the never." This White
will be misunderstood. "I'm not against research on chimpanzees and certainly not against it, to preserve them from extinction." The thesis here is something about our evolutionary past, he has won little more than the bones of scores on the Nature cover. But he can formulate a polite: "The past is a different place," he says, citing again to Darwin. "It can be understood only from their own terms out."

> to the full article (online version, dated 11/02/2010)

> previous post (from 3.10.2009) to Ardipithecus on this blog

Monday, October 25, 2010

How Do I Make My Hp1500 Printer Work On Windows 7

Ulrich Schnabel Grüter-prize for science communication

Werner and Inge Grüter Award for successful science communication has been awarded to Ulrich Schnabel

The science journalist receives with € 10,000.00 prize for his successful work, through his writings on hot topics of multidisciplinary comprehensive view of natural and humanities for informed judgments.

Ulrich Schnabel studied physics and journalism at the University of Karlsruhe and the Free University of Berlin. After several stays abroad, he has worked since 1993 as editor-in-time knowledge of the department in his hometown Hamburg. He is one of the founders of the "nonfiction" in time. Since 2005 he has worked primarily as an author. His work was awarded the 2006 Georg von Holzbrinck prize for science journalism. Noteworthy is his book "The measurement of belief " that in 2009 the "Science Book of the Year" been selected.

The prize is awarded each year outstanding work in German on scientific areas that have the goal of making scientific results on the limits of the respective disciplines also to a wider audience. Preference is given to promote the disciplines of biological evolution, paleontology, marine biology, botany, and cosmology.

During the award ceremony on Oct 27, 2010, 18:30 clock, the Museum of Man and Nature in Munich-Nymphenburg, will give the winner the following short speech:

" The measurement of belief and other impossibilities. As you sit down as a science journalist between two stools. "

After being welcomed by the Director of the Museum of Man and Nature in Munich, Dr. Michael Apel, and the article entitled" Science and Public - pins for nonprofit educational support "by the founder, Professor Dr. med . Grüter Werner holds Professor Dr. Wolfgang Prinz, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig, the eulogy for Mr. Ulrich Schnabel.
is then handed over the prize.

photos and a report on the awards can after the event at the Foundation are required and can be found online at
contact: Dr. Veronika Hofmann Maecenata Management GmbH Herzog Strasse 60 D-80803 Munich Tel: +49 89 284 452 Fax: +49 89 283 774
vh @ Maecenata . eu Info:

Advisory Board: Prof. Dr. Werner Grüter (Chairman), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhold Leinfelder (Deputy Chairman), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürke Gray, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Haszprunar Contact: Maecenata Management GmbH, Herzogstr. 60, 80803 München, Tel +49-89-28 44 52, Fax: +49-89-28 37 74, E-mail:; info:

Previous winners 1996: Matthias Glaubrecht, Peter Wellnhofer, Volker Sommer, Irenaeus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, German Coordination Group for the International Year of the Reef (Chair: Reinhold Leinfelder), Friedemann Schrenk, Klaus Matt Heck, Uwe George, Bernhard Kegel, Harald Lesch, editors of the scientific series " Quarks & Co. "of the WDR television (Ranga Yogeshwar and employees), Günter Bräuer, Josef Reichholf, Patrick Illinger, Christian Wild, Philipe Havlik, Martin Meister, Ulf von Rauchhaupt, Ulrich Schnabel

More report on this in the Augsburger Allgemeine

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Vw Fitted Hat Van Wilder

predatory mites, lunar meteorites, gall stones - curiosities of knowledge

Hubert Filser

predatory mites, lunar meteorites, gallstones: What do left with the often bizarre and sometimes valuable collections, amateurs, and scientists?

returns in this story is about predatory mites to sooty stones, for which at markets in West Africa, one million euros paid to a Berlin musician who studied in Asia, butterflies, a Nobel laureate, who sees his life's work at risk and possibly the world's largest collection of gall stones. On the edge come from a sawn-off elephant, who served as an umbrella stand, and an armadillo that was hanging by his death as a lampshade in a Berlin apartment.

The people behind these objects, combines a deep passion: they are scientists and amateur researchers who collect high cost and time often remarkable collections. At the end of their life or their career, they are faced with the question of what to do with their treasure.

> in the original article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, 16:10:10 read.

view of the gallstone collection of the Berlin Medical Historical Museum.
Photo Widulin, Medizinhistor. Museum. For large Picture above mentioned items.

comment by Reinhold Leinfelder:

The article by Hubert Filser also discusses the importance of scientific collections. Auc he mentioned that the scientific value of objects reveals some later date, perhaps when new methods were developed. He also writes " Therefore, it is wise to preserve the treasures." We are a kind of guardian of the information in the future can still be valuable, "said Nobel laureate Blumberg. Who knows what disease it once through his blood- can study collection? "

Filser includes the following chapters of gallstone-collection of the Berlin Medical Historical Museum:" And therefore one should appreciate the special collection of Navena Widulin: The taxidermist in the Medical-Historical Museum of the Charité collects gallstones for 13 years, most remarkable objects from the human body that looks even like caramel candy, sometimes shimmering, sometimes smooth, are sometimes small and pebbly, or size of a potato. In transparent containers, it does away with any gall stone that gets it. "I think it's fascinating," she says. "My boss is thrilled. "

stand in long rows, the containers are stacked, one could hold the place for a camp exquisite sweets. Maybe it's due to the visual quality that all people who hear of the gall-stone-collection Navena Widulin support by sending in their gall stones from operations. Meanwhile, the world has a museum that has a large gallstone collection. What we should do with it scientifically, no one knows for sure. "

The very last sentence, which also includes the article, the author seems not (yet) does not really scientific applications to be seen. How about the following idea, although I am not a doctor: if all patient data for each of gallstones in science were available, would have the gall stones in my opinion just a wonderful research resource. There are different types of gallstones, according to different triggers. Moreover, one could get the shares of the "risk factors" for gallstones probably a better handle. The so-5F-risk factors for gallstones are at least according to Wikipedia: female, fertile, forty fat, fair, family. This example thus shows once again how important the role of metadata about the collection of objects. Only order to obtain scientific value.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hooking A Canon Camera To A Meade

Top 10


Friday, August 13, 2010

Did Not Get My Period, But Brownish Mucus

pointillism à la Dolce & Gabbana

Here's another dress that gives me sleepless nights. OK, with the nights it is an exaggeration, but I often think about how nice it would be to have something like that. The dress is truly timeless - the cut, the fabric, the design - everything is perfect, everything has no expiration date, everything is a dream.

(c) Marie Claire Italy,

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Does It Hurt To Have The Mirena Taken Out??

There are two pieces of clothing that I would be very, very happy to wear this autumn - a dress made of lace and a coat of fur . The key question is how do I obtain these parts. With the coat-skirt I can still make something much lighter - I have a fur coat, which is now quite old and could possibly serve me as a donor for the fur coat. With the dress's lace is probably more difficult - I would have liked something like the model of Celine, it does not seem to be too heavy, so a dress himself to sew, just the stuff in the quality is nowhere to find. When dreams remain? inside look at the second hand shops? But look for the substance? I do not know.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Cartier Trinity Ring Diamond

add to shoping bag

(c) VOGUE Italy

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Diagram Of How To Masterbate

Hijacking ...

" Doctor attacked and injured
May 26, 2010, 08:20 clock
Berlin (dpa / bb) - A 58-year-old Doctor was in the early hours of Wednesday in Berlin-Pankow attacked by two unknown and deprived of it. had previously been lured by a bogus emergency call in the line out, police said. He was then attacked. The two robbers had it in for the doctor's ashes, which they stole the 58-year-old and fled with her. The doctor went then to treat his only minor injuries in a hospital. "

After the taxi drivers now so the service doctors. Only last summer we ordered one in this country Taxi in a remote area. While the driver was looking for the door bell, the car was ransacked. This year we just rob from the taxi driver, without letting him look first. And now the doctors. They have not just a couple of Benzos in the carrying case.

What to do? Arm? As a colleague some years ago called for a high profile weapons permit for his emergency services, we have shaken his head in wonder. And think of American ghettos. Something you know than from "ER." But Berlin is not far away. Amplification take? A bodyguard who can schonmal do the paperwork, he must not protect us? Who should pay? Or driving it no longer certain addresses? Which ones?

The doctor is 20 years in the emergency business. Sometimes he was uneasy . Now he is somewhat perplexed.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Freezing Genital Warts Healing Time

birthday card

this week took my daughter again to generate a quick birthday card ...

last week I got me Corinne the new Cuttlebug embossing template purchased with the butterflies and the Martha Stewart Stanzerset Eyelet Lace ...

as I wanted to try both at once is it this card were

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Camp Barett Juvenile Detention Facility

What a day ...

Some time ago I informed my husband that it would free up on my birthday, I will settle nothing ... OK!
This morning I wanted to wake my daughter (I'm having overslept!), Nö my husband just said, are remaining quiet, which is now not in school, which has drawn the Jokertag! The large
is then not work? Nope!!

So I'm waiting times from what is to come! On the table are suddenly a bunch of flowers with a card and a gift! So I open the card and hey presto suits me a hand confirmation for a


Route Description: Sitterdorf - Sihl - had Sitterdorf

then open I the gift - Myths - Lake Lucerne - Titlis - Eiger, Mönch, Jungfrau - Lake Thun and a stopover at the Chemihütte , it was a TomTom! Directions to the customs village was saved! We would only have to leave ...

... but what kind of weather we have SNOW, SNOW and SNOW again, so nothing today with the flight!! but I'm looking forward now to the riiiiieeesssig flight!

that would be for the moment, I let myself be surprised times what today is ...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hack T-mobile Prepaid Sim Cards

confirmation card

This year once again I need some confirmation cards. I have again ventured on a new color combo ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dropping Sensation In Abdomen

first spring card

from America, I could order from the Stamping Set Up Fifth Avenue Floral. This map is the first work! I've even dared to completely different colors and came out here ...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Airbake Cookie Sheets, Water

Pourquoi pas?

There are not too many clothes that I wear is not in principle. For example, a hippie tunic. Or a lumberjack shirt. Or the T-shirts. Yes, the T-shirts! Quite ordinary, out of many beloved, straightforward T-Shirts cotton. Why? They do not suit me at all. The sleeves usually end exactly at the places where my arms are the thickest. the shirt has been cut loose, or worse yet, big, lose my body any form or Siluette. My waist is disappearing without a single trace. If I look at a tight T-shirt dressed, I get bored with the cotton that covered the chest area is not more than. see the soul cries out for action, but only one amount is material. And it is not on the cup size - to Pamela Anderson and Katie Price I find nothing exciting, if you dress the two with a T-shirt.

But! Alber Elbaz, head designer of the house of Lanvin has made it that serious doubts have crept into my heart without compromise. Monsieur Elbaz is an artist - he just takes an unspectacular piece of clothing, a few scribbles Siluette out all decorated with sequins and fabric remnants - et voila! There are no boring T-shirt, but a charming little sweet with a loop. Here, with Chloe Sevigny, not a T-shirt, tank top with more of an eye, but the picture gets the direction, go to my thoughts, as it were a face.

a long time I wanted to do something in the way the problem was only on the right shirt, which I could not find - not too childish, not too cheesy, not too much detail. And then it's done - at H & M, for 9 € (I love sales!), From organic cotton - it could not better it! I bought

I have 20 cm of beige chiffon and black mesh fabric, plus a small packing beads. ZARA I found a nice feather collar, which has sacrificed my DIY project like 2 spring.

the fabric I have draped directly on the T-shirt, but do not sew. First, I made something like a "blouse" and a "Rock". This is what the belt of the "Rocks" from:

Once all the parts of "outfits" were finished, I have attached at strategic points on the T-shirt. The "blouse" is held with the "chain".

is how it all sewn so only in a few places - if I need to wash the shirt, then I only these "points" to separate and the whole "outfit" does not differ.

Thus, the final T-shirt looks:

lanvinesque And so everything as possible, I've grown to like the harem pants - Monsieur Elbaz like those pants you. Why not?

At the end I can not say that my relationship has changed to the T-shirts themselves. But buy me an expensive original Fixidee I then got rid of it. And it is very reasonable, right?